andi's blog

Viata nu se masoara in numarul de cate ori respiram ci in momentele care ne iau respiratia.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ajutor !

“Acum raman acestea trei: credinta, nadejdea si dragostea; dar cea mai mare dintre ele este dragostea”



Ask a couple what's the one thing they'd like to improve in their relationship and more often than not their answer will be communication. It seems the thing we take most for granted, our speech, is the one thing that has the power to build or destroy a relationship. If you find communication is an area you'd like to improve in your relationship, take a few moments and read over the following ideas for a better relationship through communication.

1. Communication is a power - don't abuse it.
As with any condition of power, the quickest way to ruin is by abusing it. Remember that your words have long lasting effects, even more so than you may realize. In the future, the reason why you were arguing or having difficulties may not be remembered, but the feelings and words you conveyed will be. If you feel yourself about to say something demeaning or unneccesary, stop yourself and don't say anything at all. Try other tactics like going out for a walk, writing in a journal, cleaning or doing something creative instead.

2. Communication is a power - use it!
If you have a tool that will make you the wealthest person in the world, not using it would seem to be the most absurd thing possible. The same applies to communication. By taking the time to let the person in your life know how you feel and how much you love and cherish them, you'll be taking your relationship to a new level. Both sexes love to hear how wonderful they are, and how much they are appreciated. If you're not taking the time out to tell your partner these things, then you're wasting the best tool for your relationship that you have.

3. Unspoken communication.
Have you ever watched a movie where the most powerful and moving scene was the one where no one spoke at all? Let this work for you the next time you want to truly convey your love. Spend some time everyday just looking at each other, not speaking at all. Use your other senses to express what you're trying to communicate. You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy this time together.

4. Communicating without realizing it!
Sometimes I find the moments that ended up being the most important and special to me happened when I wasn't even aware of it at the time. Create these moments for yourselves by keeping engaged in activity. Don't just sit in front of the TV and watch show after show. Play board games, listen to music, give each other back rubs, talk about your dreams, play on the computer together, go for a walk, paint a room, wrestle... your options are endless. If you haven't guessed, the point is to do something that is fun for both of you! You'll find that the more time you spend together in activites, the less time or desire you'll have for communication problems.


The Butterfly Effect 2

Can you change your past without destroying your future?

Ca orice sequel este in umbra originalului,dar un film ce merita vazut. 

Imdb Info


Friday, September 22, 2006

The Power Of Truth

Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide.


101 Reasons Why I Love You

  1. I love the way we finish each other's sentences.
  2. I love the way I know you'll never give up on me.
  3. I love the fact that I wouldn't ever give up on you.
  4. I love the way you look at me.
  5. I love how beautiful your eyes are.
  6. I love the way I can't imagine a day without you in my life.
  7. I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn't know how to go on.
  8. I love the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together.
  9. I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk, then watch the sunrise together.
  10. I love how I know you'll always be there when I need you to be.
  11. I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.
  12. I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.
  13. I love how complete I feel when I am with you.
  14. I love how our bodies just fit together.
  15. I love the way you make me laugh.
  16. I love the way you laugh.
  17. I love the way you won't compromise yourself when we are together.
  18. I love the way you won't let me compromise myself.
  19. I love your thoughtfulness.
  20. I love your tenderness.
  21. I love your ability to speak without saying a single word.
  22. I love the way we glance at each other across the room and know what each other is thinking.
  23. I love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.
  24. I love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts that show you pay attention to me.
  25. I love the way you'll watch a sporting game with me even though you may not be interested in it.
  26. I love the way you treat my friends.
  27. I love your love for the things that interest me.
  28. I love the way you let me live my life freely without jealousy.
  29. I love how you demand respect but are not controlling.
  30. I love how I would do anything in this world to make you happy.
  31. I love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
  32. I love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
  33. I love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet nothings in my ear.
  34. I love the completeness and oneness I feel when we make love.
  35. I love your sensuality.
  36. I love how our romance feels like the perfect romance movie.
  37. I love how you are my soul mate.
  38. I love the way you handle troubled times.
  39. I love the way you respect me.
  40. I love the way you protect and defend me.
  41. I love how you feel when we cuddle.
  42. I love the softness of your lips against mine.
  43. I love the softness of you lips against my body.
  44. I love the feeling of your hair brushing against me when we make love.
  45. I love laying in bed at night talking about nothing.
  46. I love waking up to find we've been cuddling together all night.
  47. I love the surprises you leave for me.
  48. I love your intelligence.
  49. I love your ingenuity.
  50. I love your ability to make friends where ever we go.
  51. I love your love for life.
  52. I love your passion for your hobbies and interests.
  53. I love how every time I look at you, you take my breath away.
  54. I love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
  55. I love the fact you gave me the gift of our children.
  56. I love the special moments that we shared that will remain my fondest memories of you and I.
  57. I love spending the holidays with the one person I love the most.
  58. I love how my heart skips a beat whenever you walk into the room.
  59. I love how you love me.
  60. I love how I love you.
  61. I love the ways you choose to show your affection for me.
  62. I love the way you inspire me to be more than I am.
  63. I love the way you spark my creativity and imagination.
  64. I love the way you make me feel like anything is possible as long as I'm with you.
  65. I love your sense of humor.
  66. I love the way you make me feel like royalty.
  67. I love the way you dress.
  68. I love your understated elegance.
  69. I love you just the way you are.
  70. I love your spontaneity.
  71. I love our life together.
  72. I love how if I died right now I would be the happiest person alive knowing I found my one true love.
  73. I love the fact that we will grow old together.
  74. I love your way with words.
  75. I love the way you look when your sleeping.
  76. I love the way you think you look awful when you first wake up when it is actually then I find you the most beautiful.
  77. I love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
  78. I love your strength of character.
  79. I love taking showers together.
  80. I love the way you leave me love notes to find whenever you're gone.
  81. I love the way you treat me.
  82. I love the way you take care of us.
  83. I love your cooking.
  84. I love the way you take the time to thank me for doing every day things.
  85. I love the way you show your affection when we are around friends and/or family.
  86. I love the way you are not scared to show your affection when we are in public.
  87. I love your confidence.
  88. I love your ability to make me feel better when times are tough.
  89. I love the way we make up after a fight.
  90. I love how you treat our children.
  91. I love the way you support me when I'm off track.
  92. I love the way you take the time to show me how much you love me.
  93. I love your beautiful hair.
  94. I love your body.
  95. I love your openness to try new things.
  96. I love your ability to talk things through.
  97. I love your courage to be you.
  98. I love your greatness.
  99. I love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
  100. I love how I am and feel when I am with you!
  101. I love you for you!


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Primul mass pe care l-am trimis vreodata:

"Un prieten ADEVARAT stie care este realitatea vietii tale. Un prieten OARECARE, cand te viziteaza, actioneaza ca un invitat. Un prieten ADEVARAT deschide frigiderul si ia ceea ce are nevoie. Un prieten OARECARE gandeste ca prietenia s-a terminat dupa o discutie aprinsa. Un prieten ADEVARAT stie ca nu exista prietenie fara lupta. Un prieten OARECARE spera ca intotdeauna esti acolo pentru el sau ea. Un prieten ADEVARAT intotdeauna va fi acolo pentru tine. Un prieten OARECARE va citi acest text si-l va arunca la gunoi. Un prieten ADEVARAT il va copia si ti-l va trimite pana cand este sigur ca l-ai primit....sper sa se simta cineva "

Ms. mult Radu.


Microsoft vs. all

Dupa ce in urma cu o saptamana a declarat razboi celor de la Apple, lansand player-ul Zune in competitie cu iPod, Microsoft deschide acum "ostilitatile" si fata de YouTube, anuntand in beta serviciul sau video Soapbox.

Ce urmeaza?

sursa: manafu*


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Are u sorry?

No? you should be!

A inchide ochii la un copil care moare, e ca si cum tu ai fi criminalul!


The Art of the Apology

 Let's face it, we all make mistakes. It's probably pretty fair to say that we don't like to admit it either. However, an apology is not just an admission of a wrong doing, it's an admission that we understand that we unintentionally caused an upset in our partner's life. It's about communicating that you're not so caught up in yourself that you don't realize the effect you have on your partner.

When the time comes for you to make an apology, use these simple principles to make your amends.

1. Make the apology about them, not you.
How often have you heard an apology start off with an excuse? When you are giving reasons for your behavior you're not showing your partner that you care about their feelings. You're actually communicating that you are worried about yours. Make sure your intent isn't to get the focus off of you.

2. Listen to what your partner is upset about, and then acknowledge it.
It's difficult to listen to negative things being said about ourselves. However, if we hope to bridge the gap, we need to listen in order to understand our partner's point-of-view. Once you know what has caused the upset, be sure to acknowledge that you understand. For example, "I can see how being late made you feel like you're not a priority to me. I'm sorry that it made you upset. I should have called to let you know what was going on."

3. Make amends.
When you've hurt someone's feelings it's important to give a little something extra back. Imagine it's like putting your apology into action. If you've caused an upset, make an effort to do something a little out of the ordinary to make up for it. Cook their favorite dinner, let them pick out what to watch on TV, or share some extra intimate time.

4. Handle the original problem.
If you find you are causing the same upsets with your partner it might be time for an internal look at why you are repeating actions that you know upsets them. Talk it over with your partner and try to come to some sort of compromise or solution to the situation.


Drogurile ucid vise

A dream maker is someone who helps people to make there dreams come true, who gives them his hope when there hope is dead.
A dream breaker is a person who takes someone’s dreams away, who makes them believe there less then nothing, who kills hope before its birth.

A drug dealer is a dream breaker, say no to drugs and become a dream maker.

Un fauritor de vise este acela care ajuta pe ceilalti sa isi inplineasca visele, este acela care le reda speranta celor care au pierdut-o.
Un distrugator de vise este cel care i-a visele unei persoane, care distruge speranta inca dinainte ca aceasta sa i-a nastere.

Un dealer de droguri este un distrugator de vise, spune nu drogurilor si devino un fauritor de vise.  


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

For you

"A friend is one who knows who you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow." 


what's Next in bukarest

ATB in Bucuresti

Sambata 23 Septembrie
Kristal Glam Club
Proudly presents:



Sambata 23 Septembrie 2006 KRISTAL GLAM CLUB va invita la un eveniment de exceptie!
ATB* revine in Kristal Glam Club intr-un show incendiar, parte a turneului VOTE ATB* on!
A provocat o isterie in masa cand a venit pentru prima oara in Romania. Fanii acestui dj si artist international atat de complet au venit din toata Romania pentru a il asculta LIVE.
Putini artisti se pot mandri cu o discografie atat de diversa si atat de succes in acelasi timp!
Tocmai aceasta trasatura a artistului de a se adapta la stiluri diferite l-a ajutat sa pastreze mereu un loc fruntas in topurile internationale.
Acesta este si motivul pentru care artistul a fost ales de vedete internationale cum ar fi: . Heather Nova, Moby, William Orbit, Michael Cretu da la Enigma (de origine roman), Bryan Adams, A-ha, e.t.c., pentru a colabora pe diverse albume.
A impresionat si Hollywood-ul, unul dintre single-urile sale “Marrakech” fiind ales sa apara pe coloana sonora a filmului “ Mindhunters” (Val Kilmer, Christian Slater, LL Cool J).

The Mission - Paul van Dyk
Vineri 29 Sep 2006 | Sala Polivalenta
Nr 1 mondial desemnat de DJ Mag, revine in forta in Romania.
Concertul de la Bucuresti face parte din turneul VONYC SESSIONS World Tour 2006.

In deschidere: Vania (21.00-23.00), Rhadoo (23.00-02.00).

The Mission - Tiesto
Vineri 20 Oct 2006 | Sala Polivalenta
Vania si Thirst Studio Finalists

20 octombrie 2006, ora 21:00, Sala Polivalenta

Evenimentele The Mission ( sunt organizate in Romania de compania BAZAR Production. Primul eveniment The Mission a fost organizat in anul 2000 iar ultimul - 29 septembrie 2006 - este evenimetul cu numarul 46 din totalul petrecerilor organizate pana in prezent. Foarte putine nume celebre din topul DJ-ilor straini nu au fost prezente la evenimentele The Mission. Dintre DJ-ii celebrii prezenti la The Mission amintim nume ca: Fatboy Slim, Paul Van Dyk, Carl Cox, Sasha, John Digweed, Timo Maas, Paul Oakenfold, Erick Morillo etc.

Petrecerile The Mission sunt organizate in locatii diverse, de la cluburi pana la hale, plaja sau pontoane si reunesc un numar impresionant de participanti - intre 1.000 – 20.000. The Mission a inregistrat in acest an cele mai multe voturi la categoria “Cel mai bun brand de petreceri” din anul 2005, competitie organizata annual de .

Accesul persoanelor sub 18 ani strict interzis!


Trust the Man

'After all the drama, cheating, and trial separations, two men fight to save their respective relationships.'

Mi-a placut mult filmul, il  recomand celor carora le plac comediile de dragoste.

Imdb info


Ethics In Love

In today's society we hear a lot about ethics. Many professions have their own "code of ethics" in which they follow. While other, or even the same, professions are labeled as just plain unethical. In all of these professions there is a confusion as to what really is ethical and unethical behavior. In fact, every single one of us is faced with a multitude of ethical decisions every day, especially in our relationships. You will see an incredible disagreement as to what is right or wrong to do in a relationship.

Whatever your views on this are, the fact remains that there is a lot of uncertainty in society about simple definitions of right and wrong. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not going to preach to you in this article about my views on what is right and wrong. What I hope to achieve here is to give you a few tools and a little information to help you come to your own conclusions about whether something is right or wrong.

Why is this so important? Well, basically, the decisions you make now effect your entire future. Not only your future, but your partner's and your children's future also. The choices you make every single day, effect the future of everybody around you. Let's say you are at work and there is a beautiful (or handsome) co-worker flirting with you. You start having fantasies about them and thinking about them. This fantasy goes so far that you even think about them when you are in bed with your partner. Now technically you have not done anything wrong. You have not actually slept with this person and you have done nothing that can be proved in any court of law. Basically you can argue that there is nothing wrong with a little fantasy. You can even argue that it enhanced your relationship with your partner and made things more exciting. Well, let me ask you a couple of things. If it was so right, then why do you have to spend so much time telling yourself that it was right? Also, why don't you tell your partner about it? I am sure they would be thrilled to know that you have found something that makes both of your lives better! The fact of the matter is that if you would not like it if it was done to you, or if it would have a detrimental effect on your relationship if your partner found out about it, then it is wrong! It does not matter whether, in the case of cyber-affairs, it was real or not. If what you are doing fails those two questions, then it is wrong.

So, what is the big deal about all this? Basically, when you do something wrong, it is human nature to justify what you did. If you have an affair, it all of a sudden becomes your partner's fault. You find excuses for what you are doing. It doesn't even really matter what the excuses are. I am sure you can come up with a whole host of excuses for someone having an affair right off the top of your head. The fact is that you can make excuses for something to the point that you actually believe them. It is these justifications that will end up destroying your relationship.

In conclusion I will leave you with these thoughts. What is right and wrong is a personal choice. What is right for you may be wrong for your partner. Whenever you make a decision that will affect your relationship, ask yourself these two questions:

1. Do you have to convince yourself it is right?
2. Would your partner be upset if they found about it?

If it fails that test, don't do it. You will be a lot happier in the long run.


Monday, September 18, 2006

About You And Me

For this love task i have decided to focus on you getting to know your partner better.

To complete this love task, set aside a good amount of time. If you have time, create a romantic atmosphere with candles and music. Make sure you won't have any interruptions as this love task is designed to spark conversation and open your communication with each other. Next, answer the following love questions openly and honestly with each other.

What is your partner's favorite...
color, food, place to go, movie, song, drink, relative, perfume/cologne, book, poem, school year, teacher, snack food, gift to receive, style of clothing, size, holiday, season, flower, candy, city, country?

Where was your partner born?
Where did they live most of their childhood life?
What religion, if any, does your partner believe in?
What was their most memorable childhood moment?
What was their big childhood fear? (for instance, the dark, monsters, etc.)
Does your partner prefer cold or hot? Why?
Is your partner a morning or night person? Why?
What is their biggest pet peeve?
What things do they feel passionate about?
What is your partner's idea of a perfect date?
What is their favorite romantic gesture?
What are the top ten gifts your love would like to receive?
What was the one thing they wanted as a child they never received?
Does your partner want children? How many?

What is your partner's idea of a dream...
house, car, vacation, job?

What did your partner always want to be when they "grew up?"
Is it what they are doing now? What changed?
Where did they go to school?
What is their life dream?


Past Polls

Date [01/09 - 19/09] Name [The world wants to...]


Conclusions: Everybody wants to make love in the rain, nobody likes dogs.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Past quotes of the day

25/09 "When two people love each other, but they just can't seem to get things right, how do you know when enough is enough?
- Never!"

24/09 "The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before."

23/09 "Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while."

22/09 "For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you."

21/09 "Although God demands a whole heart, He will accept a broken one, if He gets all the pieces."

20/09 " In viata exista doua tragedii. Una e sa nu obtii ceea ce doresti. Cealalta e sa obtii." G.B. Shaw

19/09 "It's better to fight for something than live for nothing."

18/09 "Love doesn't mean thinking less about yourself, it means thinking about yourself less."

17/09 "If dreaming is the only way to be with you, then I'll never open my eyes."


Yahoo! Open Hack Day

We've opened up Yahoo! from the inside out with our world-renowned Hack Day, and from the outside in through the Yahoo! Developer Network. Now we're opening up Yahoo! itself to a select group of hackers and special guests for a weekend festival of hacking, camping (yes, the tents-in-the-outdoors kind--we have really, really nice grass!), music, and good times.

We'll kick things off on Friday, September 29th with a free all-day developer workshop. Then we'll launch a 24-hour Hack Day with an outdoor party into the wee hours, with special guests providing the soundtrack. (Details to come later, but we guarantee this won't be your usual corporate-wedding-band leading the crowd through 2am group sing-alongs of "Brick House.") We'll hack through the night, keep going through Saturday morning, and wind it all up that evening with hacker demos, judging from a panel of luminaries. and special awards for the coolest hacks. We'll have special guest speakers all weekend, with Michael Arrington of TechCrunch presiding over the festivities. And after nightfall we'll close things out with another round of entertainment that you would be happy to pay for, except that you won't have to.

We have no idea what's going to happen at Hack Day. We never do. We're pretty sure we'll be amazed. We're still working out the final details, but we'll be posting more here soon.

More info here.


5 Secrets to Staying In Love

Just about everyone wants to know how they can make their relationship better. They want to know how they can deepen the commitment and love between each partner. Unfortunately relationships are not something you can provide a "to do" sheet for and all will be solved, but with these five key secrets you can certainly improve your chances for getting all you desire out of your relationship.

Do things unexpectedly.
One key secret to a successful relationship is compromise. Meeting halfway on things shows your partner that you really do care about their viewpoint and you are willing to work on making each other happy. Every so often make it a point to do something that you normally would not agree to or feel like doing. When you keep your partner constantly surprised by your actions, you regenerate that "new love" feeling time and time again. So, when your partner asks if you want to try that new restaurant…say yes! If they ask if you want to try a new hobby…say yes!

Show your loyalty.
Nothing strengthens a relationship quite like watching your partner go to bat for you, especially against close friends or family members. It shows that you consider your relationship a team. If you harass one member of a team, you harass them all. When you side with other people against your partner you make them feel alienated and the seeds of hidden resentment become planted. You can show loyalty positively as well by bragging about your partner's recent accomplishments to friends and family.

Be supportive.
Challenges and opportunities are always going to occur. You can't stop them from happening. Hopefully for both of you the changes in your lives are positive ones. The secret key here is having a supporting and understanding mate in your corner to help you through your ups and downs. If you lose your job, it's quite a bit easier to bounce back when you have someone who's willing to support your choices and any new directions you might want to branch out to. If you want a career or lifestyle change, imagine the difference having someone who will carefully consider and support those changes? When your partner is presenting you with a challenge or an opportunity, treat them the way you'd want to be treated.

Maintain a healthy dose of individuality.
Personal time and space are essential to growing individually. Everyone one needs private time to do the things they want to do. It helps refocus attention to the priorities. Sometimes you or your partner may just need time to release emotions from a bad day, instead of bringing it home with them. Learning to respect and notice when your partner needs some individual time shows that you are committed to not only your relationship, but their long-term happiness as well.

Love your partner.
Love is obviously a crucial element in a successful long-term relationship. But having love isn't enough. You need to be in love. The phrase "love is a verb, not a noun" certainly applies here. Don't hesitate to write that quick love note, give that deep kiss, sit next to each other at a restaurant or hold hands in public. The little things go a long way towards establishing a deep, intimate connection with your partner. As simple as it sounds, this action is probably the most commonly overlooked and ignored.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Art Of Listening

When a relationship goes sour, one of the first things to suffer is communication. If you can't communicate with each other, then there is no possible way to salvage the relationship. The thing to do is to prevent communication from ever being a problem. One of the most important aspects of this is to learn how to be a good listener. Listed below are a few guidelines to help you achieve this.

:: Give Them Your Undivided Attention
When your lover wants to talk, put everything else out of your mind and actually be there with them while they are talking. You cannot possibly listen to them if you are thinking about other things you would rather be doing, or have to do.

:: Listen To What Is Actually Being Said
This is especially true if you are in a disagreement. It is very easy to pick out the things in what your partner is saying that you want to hear and can throw back at them. This is not some high school debate class where you score points for winning an argument, this is your sweetheart and your actions here and now will dictate the course of the rest of your life together!

:: Look At Them When They Are Talking To You
Have you ever tried to talk to someone that refused to make eye contact with you? It is very disheartening, especially when you have something important to say. When talking with your sweetie, actually look at them and not around the room.

:: Notice The Hidden Emotional Tone Of Your Partner
Very often, your partner won't say exactly what is on their mind straight away and it is up to you to draw them out. By looking for their emotional tone, through their body language, voice inflections etc., you will get a very good indicator of what is actually bothering them and also how it is affecting them.

:: Acknowledge Your Partner
A correct acknowledgement can very often completely resolve a dispute in one go. It has a two-fold effect: 1. It tells your partner that you have heard and understand what they are saying and 2. It makes them feel better by releasing some of the emotional baggage that may have built up on the subject. A good rule of thumb when there is a lot of emotional baggage attached to a situation, is to acknowledge them by repeating in your own words what they have just said to you.

:: Remain Calm
If your sweetheart is angry, very often they will lash out at you because you are there and are someone they can take their frustration out on. While this may not be pleasant and the most ideal way to handle a situation, I'm afraid it is part of the job description of being a sweetheart. Realize that it is just a way for your sweetie to vent and resist the urge to get angry back, it will only make things worse.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Art of Seduction

Seduction is the art, and joy, of tempting your partner into a romantic, sensual liaison. It is less about the outcome of your liaison, and more about the game of seducing. When you begin a game of seduction you are inviting your partner to a completely sensual experience designed to heighten ALL of their senses. Your partner should be in a passive role, while you determine which sense to heighten and which zone to pleasure.

Typically, a successful seduction is longer than your average lovemaking session, and can even last over a few days or weeks. It's important to remember that coupling doesn't always have to happen. Think of it as an extended foreplay session. If days of sensual innuendoes and mood setters can't get your partner in the mood, nothing will!

Before beginning your seduction plan, you need to decide how long you want your seduction to last. Is there a special day coming up? Do you want to make some serious changes in your love play? If so, a week long seduction might be a better approach.

Once you've decided your time limit, you'll want to look at how you want to begin capturing your partner's sensual attention. There are numerous ways to go about this. The most important thing to remember about this stage is that you should NOT couple! This is about getting their interest and heightening their senses for when you actually do couple. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

:: leave an erotic love note on their pillow
:: e-mail a fantasy you wish to enact with them
:: give a sensual massage using your favorite massage oils
:: have a finger food picnic
:: play a lover's game
:: kiss longer and more frequently
:: find more opportunities to touch your partner
:: make eye contact more frequently
:: watch a semi-erotic move such as Henry & June
:: have an old fashion "necking" session

The Main Event
Now that you've put all this effort into getting your partner ready, it's time to move onto the main event. Again, it's important to remember that the longer you draw out the seduction, the better it will be.

There are various stages of arousal you enter into when engaging in love play. The shorter the experience, the lower the level of arousal you are able to access. The longer the experience, the higher the level of arousal you and your partner can enter into. Thus, if you can prolong the experience you will create a memory you will both treasure for quite a while.

To make the most of this factor, you'll need to have things in place that will heighten all of your partner's senses. We're talking about a full assault on their senses. When you're done with them you'll leave them wondering how sex could have ever been otherwise. Here are some ideas to get you started:

:: Sense of Sight: Care and attention should be placed on the location. If in your bedroom, candles lit, silky bedding and lots of pillows are a must. Arouse this sense further with lingerie.

:: Sense of Smell: Aromatics can work for you or against you. Make sure you know which scents your partner enjoys. Get scented candles, incense or scented massage oil to help heighten this sense.

:: Sense of Taste: This can be incorporated in two ways. One is through food with aphrodisiac qualities such as strawberries or oysters. The other is through edible lotions, chocolate syrups or whip cream.

:: Sense of Hearing: Get creative and record yourself telling an erotic story and leave it playing in the background. Or, play music that fits the overall mood you are going for. If you have sensual movies you may want to have the sound playing in the background.

:: Sense of Touch: One of the most erotic senses of all is the sense of touch. You will already be using this sense just by engaging the seduction. To heighten it you need to make sure every time they feel something against their skin it has an extra sensation added to it. You can do this with silky bedding, silky lingerie, or even with a massage with your favorite oils. You may also want to try a feather, something furry or a rose when you touch them.

You can further heighten the senses by hindering one of them completely. A reduction causes the other senses to work more to make up for the loss. You can remove the sense of sight by using a blindfold. You can remove the sense of touch by using restraints. You need to make sure your partner would be comfortable with this type of love play before doing this though.

For an additional benefit, when you execute your main event, you may want to try something a little different. For example, a tryst with role-playing may let your partner become more open and result in new levels of arousal. Or, a prolonged temptation before letting them reach their peak will certainly get results.

Remember, this is your seduction. You can do whatever you KNOW will get your partner excited. The main point is to infuse some creative loving into your relationship. If you've lost a bit of that "new love attraction" this is an excellent way to get it back. Every few months, make sure you do something similar to this to keep the spark alive and create some fantastic memories to look back upon!



To believe that love can last it such a difficult task?


Monday, September 11, 2006


“Will you be my girlfriend,” he asked in vein.
“Shut up,” she laughingly responded.
“Please,” he supplicated.
“We’ve been through this, Keith, you know I live too far away for it to work,” she continued, still smiling.
“I know, Ellen,” as he bit his lip, “I know.” It was incessantly too familiar by now.
She kissed him, hoping to stop his hurt; it did little but to salt his wound. He wanted her to be his own so badly he could almost touch it. With every day, he grew, at the same time, more content and more impatient with her situation. He gradually began to recollect their time together.
* *
It had been several months now since they first met. Ellen and Keith had been mutually friends with the same girl, Ashley, and their meeting was more fate, or chance, than anything else.
“Yes, she’s the hot one?” he would ask.
“Yes, Keith, the hot one,” Ashley would reply solemnly. But all it took was one fateful night for Ellen to make her mark on Keith in a way that even she couldn’t understand.
Ellen had a boyfriend at the time, of a year and a half to be sure, and Keith had always been very shy in the company of beauty. He tended to hide behind a veil of either a moderate detachment or uncompromising drunken fury. Yet somehow, that night, they melted together in a beautiful disregard for anything but the moment.
“I think I like Ellen,” Keith admitted to his best friend John at the opening of the first evening of second semester.
“You know she has a boyfriend, forget about it, dude” he immediately dismissed.
“Yeah… Yeah, you’re right, I’m just drunk,” he was still unsure, but determined to forget his foolish notions.
Once at the bar, it was business as usual. He drank with his friends, she danced with hers. He sang with his friends, she laughed with hers. But by some means, they ended up on the dance floor at the same time; by some means, they ended up dancing together. One bar turned to another as they learned each other, falling ever deeper into the moment.
Their eyes locked for an eternal minute, barely dancing now. He began to move towards her, now gently grazing her silky light brown hair.
“I have a boyfriend, Keith,” she said quickly, seeming startled by the words.
He searched her face hard for what seemed like the longest second of his life. No words came to him, and paralysis engulfed his lips. He turned quickly and tried to regain his wit. Nothing.
The evening had fizzled out and Keith walked Ellen home. Cool, damp air surrounded them as they made their way across the river. She stayed with him that night, in the bed left vacant by his roommate as he romanced a tramp, no doubt. Keith stayed awake for awhile and watched her sleep, longing to hold her every minute. It seemed to him, strangely, that even in the darkened room, she had a glow to her; it seemed to him as though she were an angel as she slept.
“Well, I’ll talk to you later,” she said to him awkwardly as they parted way in the morning.
“Yup, see ya,” was all that he could manage in response. If only she were his… if only. He spent the next few days in agony as that moment on the dance floor played through his mind.
“I can’t believe I didn’t say anything!” he screamed at his lack of charm.
* * *
It was Tuesday now, another trip to the bar.
“It will be good for you,” John said, “get drunk, chill with the boys. You just have to forget about her, boss.” Forget about her; it sounded easy enough. He indulged in the comfort of wine that evening.
He promptly caught sight of Ashley as she approached him.
“Damnit,” he thought, “of course they’re here tonight.”
“Hey Keith,” she approached him as though they barely knew each other, “I have something I need to talk to you about.”
“Ellen never wants to see me again, right?” He was sure he had her number.
“Actually….,” She drew out her message, “She has a crush on you and hopes you go dance with her.” He stood there for a moment, dumbfounded by this development.
“Waitress, three chardonnays, please,” he was hoping to fashion a plan. The drinks arrived, and in the time it took him to pay, they were gone, working to calm his nerves. He timidly made his way to the dance floor, not sure what to expect.
“Hey,” slipped out of his mouth. He cursed his lack of charisma.
“Hello,” she said through a smile too radiant to describe. They began dancing, awkwardly as first but quickly becoming one. Their lips brushed there on the dance floor as he held her close.
* * **
One night turned to another and one month to another as they paraded in what could only loosely be described as a relationship. But the winter had already surrendered to spring, and spring was quickly evaporating into summer; their time together was fleeting rapidly.
What she wanted was obscure. She cared for Keith, yet she could not bring herself to accept a serious commitment. Ellen lived five hours west of school, Keith three hours to the east. Although torn, Ellen told Keith their time was over.
He was devastated. The feelings he had for her were so vigorous, so real. Was it him, something he did, another love? He drowned himself in the saddest songs and cheapest beer.
But his sorrow didn’t last for long. Before the next issue of Maxim even arrived, they woke up in each others arms, hung over as a consequence of their respective evenings. Keith pleaded his merits to Ellen; he reasoned until he was blue and shaking. Ellen finally agreed to at least see Keith until school ended. Keith was so ecstatic with the possibility of waking to her enthralling smile once again - to once again smell her on his pillow - that he completely ignored the relative lack of foresight in the proposition: they had but two weeks of school left.
The weeks passed, as time does, without any assistance or convincing. They spent the weeks together, as before, and happy. As she would wake in his arms, Keith felt complete in a way he never had before; Keith was happy as he had never been before.
Their two weeks expired, leaving them saying good bye.
“Be my girlfriend, Ellen,” he pleaded. “Please?”
“I’m sorry, Keith, you know how I feel,” she responded, hurting because it hurt him.
Keith readied himself for the day, and captured Ellen in his arms. They kissed for the last time, and embraced each other as only lovers can.
* * * * *
They were home now and he thought of her often. A voice on the television, a photograph, or one of a million other stimuli was all it took. Each would take him back to a smile, a kiss, a warmth that left him longing. But he was really too busy to dwell on his feelings. He worked nearly every waking moment, every moment that he was not studying for an upcoming private pilots exam or summer classes. Mostly, though, he wondered if she thought often of him.
Over the next few weeks, a knot of doubt grew deep inside of him. It was something that he couldn’t explain, something vague yet very much present. They spoke regularly, and she did nothing to lead him to believe anything had changed; that the distance was the determining factor to her heart. Still, something tugged constantly at his heart. She was back home, with the notorious ex-boyfriend. Could that lead to his unsettled heart? No, he was not the jealous type. His search continued for days.
“It looks like your getting light over there, boss,” John tossed him another can of Coors Light.
“Thanks,” he replied to the lawn across from him.
“What’s with you tonight,” John laughed at him; he already knew the answer.
“I don’t know, I just feel strange,” Keith felt uncomfortable sharing his feelings, “I…” He paused, trying to place his words.
“I know she sucks, and I know I should be done with her….” Another pause.
“But you were in love with her,” John disgustingly interjected.
Could it be true? Love is a word that bore the weight of stone for Keith.
“That would explain a lot,” he confessed, intimidated by the idea, “but it still doesn’t change anything.”
He was swiftly overcome by a tremendous weight. He feelings for her were but an afterthought. She made her choice, and her choice was not him. He swallowed the cool beer hard to choke back the tears in his throat. The crisp air overcame him and consumed his grief, locking it forever in the night sky and his heart.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ora 24

Alexa acolo unde esti sa sti ca ai ramas in sufletul meu si ca voi duce la bun sfarsit tot ce ai visat tu. Poti fi mandra de cel pe care l-ai iubit atat de mult. Ti-a promis ca va duce mai departe tot ce ati visat si ca va incerca sa fie fericit si sa stii ca se tine de promisiune. Te iubesc ingerasul meu drag.

Visul merge mai departe.



Nu stiu de ce, dar simt ca acum am puterea sa-ti promit ca am sa fac ceea ce ti-ai dorit. Si stiu ca cea mai mare dorinta a ta era sa fiu fercit. Asa cum si dorinta mea era ca tu sa fii fericita. Nu stiu daca acolo unde esti tu acum mai conteaza aceasta fericire lumeasca, de aceea am sa ma gandesc la tine ca la cineva care si-a indeplinit menirea in lumea asta. Numai acceptand asta o sa am puterea de a merge mai departe. Mi-a fost greu sa accept ca nu mai esti cu mine si ca nu pot sa-ti mai ofer fericirea pe care ti-o doreai. Mi-a fost greu sa accept ca toata lumea noastra de vise va trebui s-o implinesc de unul singur.

Mi-a fost greu sa inteleg ca desi par singur, nu sunt. Mi-a fost greu sa inteleg ca desi tu nu mai esti sa-mi spui cat ma iubesti, undeva in sinea mea eu stiu raspunsul. Mi-a fost greu sa inteleg ce inseamna fericire fara tine. Lacrimile insa, au scos din mine durerea si urletul tacut. Si atunci, in linistea nefireasca care s-a asternut, m-am intrebat daca nu cumva trebuie sa caut in mine puterea de a merge mai departe. Pentru ca in mine s-au adunat toate cele pe care le-am trait, pe care ni le-am spus, pe care ni le-am dorit. Nu, nu sunt singur, pentru ca tu traiesti in mine. Cu fiecare gand, cu fiecare vorba, cu fiecare gest, eu sunt ceea ce tu ai facut din mine.

Dragostea m-a facut sa ma simt special iar durerea pierderii tale m-a sfaramat in mii de bucati. Dar tot dragostea a adunat fiecare bucatica din mine si mi-a spus ca intr-adevar, un om care m-a iubit cu adevarat nu-si poate dori altceva decat ca eu sa fiu fericit. Sa gasesc calea spre fericire. Ce inseamna fericire? Am descoperit in haosul gandurilor mele ca este de fapt o stare. Atunci cand iti dai seama ce important este sa fii fericit, decizi in mod arbitrar sa fii fericit. Fericirea nu se primeste in dar, fericirea e o decizie. Iar eu, de dragul tau si al visului nostru, am decis sa fiu un om fericit. Am decis sa nu mai trec indiferent pe langa o lume atat de frumoasa. Iar acolo unde lumea nu e tocmai frumoasa, sa fiu eu cel care schimba ceva. Pentru ca stiu ca iti doreai atat de mult o lume mai buna. Am inteles ca durerea - mai ales durerea ca mod de viata - mutileaza sufletele.

Desi sufletul meu are urme adanci nu vreau sa fie mutilat pentru tot restul existentei mele. Vreau sa am puterea de a plonja in viata cu sufletul deschis si trepidand de bucurie. Asa ca am sa las in urma durerea si am sa pastrez in mine amintirea atator lucruri care ne-au legat. Am sa invat... sa traiesc altfel decat pana acum. Iti promit ca o sa am grija de mine, iti promit ca n-am sa ma mai simt singur si ca in fiecare noapte am sa te imbratisez in vis. Iti promit ca am sa ma trezesc in fiecare dimineata cu zambetul pe fata - acel zambet pe care doar linistea si bucuria interioara ti-l daurieste - si am sa fac tot ceea ce as fi facut alaturi de tine. Iti promit ca n-am sa ma las impiedicat de nimic, ca am sa fiu mai hotarat ca niciodata sa fac ceea ce ne-am dorit. Si stiu ca voi reusi pentru ca am sa caut in mine aceea putere care sa ma ajute sa merg inainte. Am s-o gasesc in mine, pentru ca si tu esti acolo. Si vom reusi impreuna.


Saturday, September 09, 2006


Acestea sunt ultimele cuvinte pe care Alexa mi le-a adresat. N-am stiut ca sunt ultimele pana in clipa in care am aflat ca draga de ea murise intr-un accident de masina. Plecase impreuna cu parintii ei si niste prieteni de familie in concediu la munte. Urma sa se intoarca pe 7 septembrie. Si nu s-au mai intors ... Dupa ce au trecut pe la bunicii ei, in drum spre casa, s-a intamplat acel accident stupid care a luat-o de langa mine. Se grabeau, ploua destul de tare, masina a derapat, s-a rasturnat si a intrat intr-un copac. Martorii accidentului spun ca foarte probabil ca patru dintre cei cinci ocupanti ai masinii au murit pe loc. Si Alexa mea printre ei. Recunosc ca nu m-am ingrijorat foarte tare cand am vazut ca Alexa nu revine cand a spus. Am crezut ca au hotarat sa mai prelungeasca cu cateva zile concediul. Era primul ei concediu dupa mai multi ani de munca continua si chiar il merita. Asa ca am asteptat. Dar cand am vazut ca nici pana pe 11 septembrie nu revenise ... am intrat in panica. Nu mai stiam unde s-o caut, nu aveam nici o veste. Apoi, pe 12 septembrie am aflat: Alexa murise in accidentul ala.

Se intamplase exact ce mi-era frica. Le-am spus cand au plecat ca nu e prudent sa plece la drum lung cinci persoane si bagaje intr-o masina. Dar erau optimisti. Din pacate mai mult decat atat n-am facut. Cine putea sa-si inchipuie o catastrofa ca asta? Pentru ca asta a fost: patru morti si unul marcat pentru tot restul vietii - fizic si psihic - de cele intamplate. De ce a trebuit sa aflu cand nu mai puteam face nimic pentru ea? De ce a trebuit sa aflu ca ea a fost deja inmormantata impreuna cu tatal ei, langa bunicii, fara ca mie sa-mi spuna cineva? Dar mai conteaza asta acum? M-au scos din .. moartea ei asa cum vroiau sa ma scoata si din viata ei. Dar n-au reusit nici asta, pentru ca in clipa in care cineva mi-a spus si mie ce s-a intamplat, am murit si eu.

Speram sa fie doar o gluma macabra, vroiam sa urlu "nu-i adevarat". Dar era adevarat. Nu mai stiu cum au trecut primele trei saptamani de la moartea ei. Privesc acum in urma si nu-mi amintesc mare lucru. Stiu ca aveam capul greu, pentru ca nu puteam sa dorm. Cum as fi putut? Nu mancam aproape deloc. Imi aduceam aminte ca nu mancasem nimic doar atunci cand incepea sa ma doara stomacul. Plangeam enorm, la serviciu, pe strada, acasa. Mai ales acasa, inconjurat de toate lucrurile pe care le aveam de la ea. Strangeam in brate un catel de plus pe care scria "I love you"... Da, stiam ca ma iubeste. E unul dintre putinele lucruri pe care le stiu cu siguranta. Iar la serviciu, cand simteam ca nu-mi mai pot stapani lacrimile, ma inchideam in baie si plangeam in tacere pana cand nodul din gatul meu disparea si puteam iara sa gandesc.



"Imi iau la revedere acum de la tine... Te rog sa ai grija de tine sa nu mai fi trist si sa nu te simti singur. Pentru ca eu mereu sunt cu gandul la tine si te iubesc mult de tot. Nici nu-ti poti da seama cat de mult te iubesc, cum ma gandesc mereu la tine si cum noaptea te strang in brate si te sarut de mii de ori. Pa dragul meu pa, ne vedem pe data de 7 (septembrie 2001) sa fii cuminte si sa te odihnesti. Te iubesc, sa nu uiti asta niciodata. Pupici dulci. "


Friday, September 08, 2006


Mi-e teama de momentul in care n-am sa mai pot plange. Mi-e teama ca va veni o vreme cand am sa caut disperat ceva al tau si n-am sa-l gasesc. Ce se va intampla cu mine atunci? De unde o sa-mi iau atunci puterea de a merge inainte? Cateodata traiesti in mine atat de intens incat ma sperii. Alteori te simt atat de departe. Ce sa fac sa te pastrez mereu alaturi de mine? Sa ma rog? Sa ma rog tie, pentru ca tu ai fost D-zeul meu. Am crezut in tine, mai mult decat am crezut in mine. Si totusi ti-am aratat asta atat de putin.

Niciodata nu ne dam seama care sunt lucrurile cu adevarat importante pentru viata noastra. Doar cand pierdem acel ceva. De ce a trebuit sa mori, ca sa-mi dau seama ca te-am iubit pe tine ca pe nimeni altcineva? As avea atat de multe lucruri de spus despre tine si totusi, atunci cand m-asez in fata calculatorului ca sa scriu, navalesc amintirile. Si atunci "privesc" inapoi la un timp al fericirii noastre. Cine a spus ca "cea mai mare nefericire, este amintirea fericirii" a spus un adevar. Asa simt si eu.

Nu pot sa cred ca nu mai esti cu mine puiule. Tu ai fost cu mine mereu, la bine si la greu, desi nu exista nimic care sa te oblige sa faci asta. Iti multumesc ca ai fost mereu alaturi de mine. Iti multumesc ca ai existat in lumea asta si ca ai petrecut cativa ani alaturi de mine. Iti multumesc ca ai spus: "cei mai frumosi ani din viata mea au fost cei petrecuti alaturi de tine". Inseamna enorm pentru mine. Daca n-as stii cu siguranta ca macar din cand in cand am reusit sa te fac fericita, as suferi mult acum.

Am senzatia ca, nu numai ca ai avut grija de mine, ai avut grija si de amintirile mele. Ele mi-au ramas acum. Si sunt multe. As vrea sa-mi amintesc mereu fiecare moment petrecut impreuna, fiecare zambet, fiecare gluma, fiecare dar pe care ni-l faceam. Mi-e teama insa, ca va veni vremea cand am sa uit toate aceste lucruri care au format relatia noastra. Dar oricata vreme ar trece, n-am sa te uit pe tine. Nu pot sa te uit pentru ca esti parte din mine. Datorita tie sunt ceea ce sunt.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mi-e dor

Mi-e dor de tine puiule. Nu mai stiu ce sa cred, ce sa gandesc si ce sa fac cu viata mea. Imi lipsesti in tot ce fac. Eu nu mai sunt eu fara tine, ai stiut tot timpul asta. Degeaba sunt in jurul meu cativa oameni minunati care ma inteleg si incearca sa ma ajute. Imi lipsesti tu puiule, numai pe tine te vreau. Degeaba cred uneori ca momentele grele au trecut. Momentele in care imi simt sufletul sec or sa revina mereu, atata vreme cat nu sunt cu tine. Degeaba plang puiule, pentru ca durerea nu trece, doar se transforma. Nu mai e durerea disperata de la inceput care ma facea sa urlu, e una profunda, care coboara cu fiecare zi in cele mai adanci cotloane alte sufletului.

Durerea asta ma face sa nu pot zambi, iar atunci cand totusi se intampla sa ma simt vinovat ca am facut-o. "Cum pot sa zambesc fara tine?" imi spun si iarasi se intorc toate in mine, si iarasi iese la suprafata durerea. As vrea sa pot sa scriu tot ce simt, dar nu pot. Nu pot pentru ca nu am cuvinte care sa defineasca ce simt. Dar ce conteaza ca nu pot exprima acum ce simt? Tu stii ce e in sufletul meu, ai stiut mereu. Ai fost singura care ai stiut. Te iubesc puiule. Te-am iubit mereu, dar acum mai mult decat oricand.

Acum imi dau seama ca te-am pierdut. Ani la rand mi-a fost teama ca am sa te pierd. Nu, nu ma gandeam ca moartea ne va desparti. Ma gandeam ca poate vreo cauza lumeasca sa se aseze intre noi. Si ma luptam cu mine, sa fiu mereu mai bun, ca sa simt ca te merit. Ma luptam si cu cei care nu ne intelegeau. Ma luptam si cu tine puiule, ca sa nu te pierd. Nu mi-am imaginat cum va fi viata mea fara tine. Am crezut mereu ca noi vom imbatrani impreuna. Iar acum, unul dintre lucrurile cu adevarat dureroase, este tocmai sa-mi traiesc viata fara tine. Acum cateva luni nu aveam puterea nici macar sa-mi imaginez toate astea. Iar acum trebuie sa traiesc fara tine.

Sper doar, ca acolo unde esti, sa vezi ca n-am renuntat. N-am renuntat la iubirea care ne-a legat. N-am sa renunt niciodata, pentru ca ar insemna sa renunt la mine si la tine. N-am renuntat la visele noastre. Si crede-ma, ma adun cu greu ca sa continui ce am inceput impreuna. Nu stiu daca lacrimile ajuta, dar daca as stii ca se va petrece ca in poveste, as plange ani in sir. Iarta-ma, nu stiu daca sunt suficient de puternic sa spun ca as face orice ca sa fim iara impreuna. Mi-am dorit zile in sir sa mor, ca sa ajung la tine si apoi m-am speriat de moarte. Mi-as dori sa fiu mai puternic, dar in acest moment nu sunt decat un om care plange de fiecare data cand ceva ii aminteste de tine. Nu pentru ca te-as uita vreo clipa, ci pentru ca amintirile ma pocnesc uneori pana imi iau glasul. Si sunt atatea lucruri care imi amintesc de tine.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Iubirea noastra

Mi-e foarte greu acum sa vorbesc despre iubirea noastra, pentru ca trebuie sa ma intorc in timp la niste vremuri pe care n-am sa le mai pot atinge. Spun unii ca de fiecare data cand ne indragostim, ni se pare ca e prima data si ca este pentru totdeauna. Si totusi, multe iubiri se sting la fel de repede precum apar. Se spune ca fiecare iubire este speciala. Imi place sa cred ca relatia dintre mine si Alexa a avut cu adevarat ceva special. Sa fi fost felul in care ne-am cunoscut? Felul in care ne vorbeam? Momentele in care ne culegeam unul altuia vorbele de pe buze de parca ne-am fi ghicit gandurile? Poate ca n-am sa stiu niciodata, poate ca nici nu e important sa stiu raspunsul. In mod sigur important era ceea ce simteam unul pentru celalalt in fiecare moment.

Inca mai e important, pentru ca ma "hranesc" cu toate gandurile noastre, cu toate sentimentele care ne uneau, cu toate lucrurile pe care ni le doream. Si ne doream atat de mult sa fim impreuna, atat de mult incat nimic altceva nu mai conta. Aveam momente in care eram atat de increzatori in noi si in iubirea noastra: pe noi nu ne putea desparti nimeni si nimic, desi au fost destui care au incercat. Ne doream sa fim impreuna si sa avem o viata frumoasa, sa imbatranim impreuna si sa ne bucuram de copiii nostri.

Ne-am promis - pentru ca asa ne dictau sufletele - ca nu ne va desparti nimic si ca vom fi impreuna pana la moarte. Dar n-am stiut, n-am vrut sa intelegem si sa acceptam ca moartea nu se petrece atunci cand vrem noi. E adevarat, doar moartea a reusit sa ne desparta... De ce n-am reusit sa implinim aceasta iubire, nu stiu. De ce a trebuit ca o iubire atat de mare sa aduca durere cand noi speram sa aduca doar bucurie, nu stiu. Ce stiu cu siguranta e ca am iubit-o ca pe nimeni altcineva. Am iubit-o mai mult decat pe toti ceilalti oameni importanti din viata mea laolalta. Puteau sa ma paraseasca cu totii, puteau sa ma faca sa sufar... daca eram cu Alexa, nimic altceva nu mai conta. Ea era tot ce-mi trebuia si fara sa-mi dau seama, fara sa ma gandesc prea mult la asta, cred ca am fost un om fericit. Au fost momente cand am simtit ca am aripi sa zbor oriunde doresc, ca am puterea sa ma ridic pana acolo unde mi-as fi dorit.

Toata puterea asta venea din dragostea ce ne unea. Ea imi aducea echilibrul si linistea interioara dupa care tanjisem atat. Ea era bucuria mea, fara ea nu mai pot zambi asa cum o faceam. Observ lucrurile in jurul meu si parca sunt strain de toate, parca nu mai apartin acestei lumi si parca nimic altceva nu mai conteaza. Nu-mi pot stapani lacrimile, pentru ca imi dau seama ca lucrurile n-or sa mai fie cum au fost pana acum. Aveam atata nevoie de ea - si am, acum poate mai mult ca niciodata - simpla ei prezenta imi spunea ca totul e ok. Ea avea mereu o vorba buna pentru mine, chiar si atunci cand eram obosit si nervos. Stia sa citeasca in mine si sa spuna ceea ce-mi doream ca sa pot gasi puterea de a merge mai departe. Acum, nu mi-a mai ramas decat sa caut aceasta putere in mine. Daca am s-o gasesc nu stiu, dar ma straduiesc.



Alexa, despre ea.

"Ce pot sa va spun despre mine decat ca sunt o persoana foarte romantica. Pe 15 mai am implinit 26 de ani, (zodia Taur) si daca te iei dupa zodie sunt un om foarte hotarat. Am 1,68 m si 61 kg, par castaniu inchis si ochi caprui dar cand ma supar culoarea ochilor se inchide. Imi plac la nebunie florile si parfumurile, muzica buna, cartile - pacat ca in ultimii ani nu prea am avut timp sa citesc asa cum faceam odata -, dansul, teatrul, baletul in mod special, plimbarile. Deasemenea, imi plac masinile (viteza) si daca as fi fost baiat, mai mult ca sigur as fi participat la cursele de Formula 1. Imi place sa-mi ajut prietenii atunci cand au nevoie, stiu sa le fiu aproape la bine dar si la greu... Am foarte multi prieteni pentru ca sunt sociabila. Imi place mult informatica si incerc, desi am foarte putin timp liber pentru asta, sa invat si eu sa fac pagini web. Ce apreciez eu la un prieten este sinceritatea, afectiunea si discretia; oamenii la care poti apela oricand si in orice moment. Nu-mi plac infumuratii, cei care pana la urma se dovedesc a fi niste nulitati."

Silviu, despre el.

"Am fost un romantic pana cand tot ce era in jurul meu imi spunea sa ma schimb. M-am schimbat si nu mi-a placut ce devenisem. Asa ca m-am intors la romantism pentru ca e mai aproape de stilul meu de viata. Sunt - sau cel putin eram - un Berbec impulsiv, plin de energie, gata oricand sa ma apuc sa fac ceva. Intr-o vreme, prietenii imi spuneau "uriasul blond" din cauza staturii mele si a pletelor. Acum nu mai sunt nici una nici alta: simt ca am imbatranit, poate ca inainte de vreme. Am iubit-o pe Alexa - inca o mai pastrez in suflet, dar mi-am iubit si profesia, strans legata de internet. Mi-a placut sa citesc, sa calatoresc... acum insa, imi mai place doar ce-i placea ei. Ma straduiesc sa invat sa traiesc cu durerea si poate, candva, o sa reusesc."

note de subsol:
Cine a fost Alexa? O femeie deosebita, era tot ce-mi doream sa am alaturi. Va ramane mereu in sufletul meu ca fiind cea care a stiut sa ma iubeasca ca nimeni altcineva. Cine am fost eu? Un tip agitat si nemultumit, care n-a stiut sa-si dea seama ca era fericit, prea ocupat cu viata de zi cu zi. Cine sunt? Un om care stie sa recunoasca iubirea adevarata si-si da abia acum seama ce inseamna sa fii fericit.


In loc de prefata

"Visul merge mai departe"

Dupa o poveste adevarata.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

City of Angels

"If God Will Send His Angels"

So where is the hope and where is the faith ... and the love?

Daca Dumnezeu mi-ar trimite un inger, as avea nevoie de un inger acum, pana nu demult credeam ca nu toti ingerii au aripii, dar m-am inselat.

Trebuie sa iti dau drumul sa pot merge mai departe, viata merge mai departe.



Cine sunt?

As renunta la eternitate pentru tine, stiu ca ma vei simti cumva, esti cel mai apropre de rai, decat voi fi vreodata!
Si nu vreau sa plec acum.
Tot ce pot sa simt in acest moment, tot ce pot respira, esti tu.Pentru ca mai devreme sau mai tarziu se termina.
Si nu vreau sa imi fie dor de tine in seara asta.
Si nu vreau ca lumea sa ma vada, pentru ca nu cred ca vor intelege, cand totul e facut sa fie sfaramat, vreau doar sa sti cine sunt.
Si nu te poti lupta cu lacrimile ce nu vin, sau cu adevarul din minciunile tale, da, sangerezi, doar ca sa simti ca traiesti.

Vreau doar sa stiu cine sunt
